Important Announcement
Top bars don’t need to be tiny you know. Check out this one.

Icon Sections

Copy and paste these multi-purpose sections to your pages. It’s fast and easy.


Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet, euismod sceteriscue vetit. Imperdiet senectus ornare augue donec cuis.

View Components
Arrow Right


Quam motestie viverra mauris nutta sed faucibus. Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet.

Explore Pages
Arrow Right

Here’s a brief overview of the features.

Senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet, euismod sceteriscue vetit.
Guam motestie viverra mauris nutta sed faucibus. Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus.
UI Kit
Et in nutta fetis pettentescue augue. Porttitor hendrerit congue morbi proin aticuam.

Make your site better with Inform

Create pages using tons of hand-crafted sections
Adapt Inform to your brand using the style guide
Power your business with multiple CMS integrations

Create pages using tons of hand-crafted sections

Adapt Inform to your brand using the style guide

Power your business with multiple CMS integrations